Tuesday, May 31, 2011

The Beach, by Catherine Shaw and Brooke Bodhaine

The Beach

The sand moves carefully in between my toes, wherever my feet walk, the sand must go

I feel the warm air, tingling on my skin as it warms my soul, from the outside within.

I splash in the water and through the sea, to refresh my mind and to be who I’ll be

As the sounds of laughter, of joy, and of glee, I bask on my own life and think happily.

The joy the beach brings is not necessarily real, for people can make that mood seem so surreal.

The beach brings peace to the troubled mind, but only humans can feel of that kind.

It reminds us of joy and of peace and love, but in life we oft see the seagull and not dove.

In life you find beauty in artificial skin, but true peace and beauty always comes from within.

Theme; Beautiful places remind us of the love and happiness in the world.
Poetic Device; Rhyming

Sonnet on a Star, by, Tamara Beryl Latham

Sonnet on a Star

If I could write a sonnet on a star
Then bottle it and toss it to the sea
Would it travel
to the corners of the Earth,
And echo there
the love I hold for thee?

If I could write a sonnet on the moon
Then bottle it and toss it to the winds
Would it find your heart so you may briefly know,
Where your love ends Is where my love begins?
If I could write a sonnet on the sun
Then bottle it and toss it throughout time
Would someone from a distant galaxy
Find no greater love than that was mine
Yet, I cannot write a sonnet on a star,
Nor moon, nor even on the blazing sun,
Nor bottle words to send them where you are
Nor coerce our separate hearts to beat as one
And so my darling you will never hear
The humble words of love I wrote for thee
They remain encrypted, tightly sealed
And yet they travel on eternally


Theme; When you love someone a lot, it can be expressed in many ways other then words.
Poetic Device; Rhyming, Figurative Language, Metaphor

Friday, May 27, 2011

Our Life, by Angela Rose

Our Life

My love for you is always exuberant,
My heart fills with song whenever you’re near
Even though your nose is protuberant,
And you have become quite big in the rear.

My life is yours to do with as you will,
Your smile is the only payment I seek.
I find your laughter to be a bit shrill,
and your legs are hairy much like a Greek’s.

If you consent to love me forever,
I’ll be your best friend till your dying day.
None of your jokes have ever been clever,
At least you don’t wear an ugly toupee.

Seriously, I do love you sweetie.
Now how about a foot rub peace treaty?

Theme; Even the person you love isn't perfect, but you should love them just as much despite their faults.
Poetic Device; Metaphor, Rhyming

Funny Haiku!

Haikus are easy
but sometimes they don't make sense

Theme; Although poetry is usually deep and meaningful, sometimes poems are written for commical uses.

Bad Luck, by David Whatley

Bad luck

I had a pain in the back last saturday night, to move was a terrible thing,
And try as I might, for the phone I did fight to give the doctor a ring.
I got halfway there, had to lean on a chair, the struggle was too much for sure,
I tried to sit down, missed the chair like a clown and ended up flat on the floor.

Face up there I lay for what seemed like a day, unable to move any more,
My back was in pain but I tried once again to crawl to the living room door.
I started with ease to get to my knees, with great care I thought I was able,
Though white as a sheet to stand on my feet, but fell over my new coffee table.

Back on the floor I fell with a roar, the table beneath me destroyed
And the pain in my arm did nothing to calm the feeling of being annoyed.
I rolled on my back, heard a loud crack and with a sense of familiar dread,
Put my hands to my face, with a slow moving pace, found a lump on the back of my head.

I lay still for a while quite unable to smile, the pain in my arm hurt so much,
My legs were like jelly, I hurt in my belly and the lump on my head hurt to touch.
My eyes were unblinking as I lay there just thinking of how to get out of this fix,
Lying there prone, just wanting to phone the doctor with his black bag of tricks.

It took over an hour with mood very sour before I could manage to stand,
I grabbed for the door and with arm very sore slammed the bloody thing shut on my hand.
My hand it did swell and I gave out a yell, my headache grew worse by the minute,
My language turned blue as my fingers did too on the hand with the pain deep within it.

I limped back to the chair by taking great care not to trip,not to stumble or fall,
But my hand lost its grip and I started to slip and crashed into the living room wall.
My knees took the force of the impact of course, my legs buckled and slowley gave way,
Like Titanic before, I sank to the floor and decided that's where I should stay.

Three hours have passed and I'm simply aghast at this story I venture to tell,
To cure just one pain, four more now remain and I'm still on the floor where I fell.
A lump on my head, bad arm, hand and leg and damage that's second to none,
I lie on the floor behind a closed door but the pain in my back has now gone.
15th March 2005

Theme; You have to go through the small steps to accomplish the big problem.
Poetic Devices; Rhyming


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